OpenStack integration with VMware (VIO)

It is not a mystery neither a surprise! VMware has been actively participating OpenStack several projects even since 2010 when Nicira (NSX created company, later acquired by VMware) participated aggressively in the draft Neutron (SDN) and then Nova (computer). Finally, VMware decided to launch its own distribution of OpenStack since 2014, based on Icehouse (VIO […]

Aggressive SDN packaging for VMware Customers

Unleashing the NSX Transformers project, from May 3, 2015 the use of Software-Defined Networking for VMware customers has been amplified. According to VMware, it is expected that this price reduction, the number of customers reached during 2016 (there are currently 1400 clients NSX generating US $ 600 MM during this 2016) is increased of which […]

Importance of The Service Catalog

Importancia del Catálogo de Servicios a nivel Cloud Actualmente vivimos un boom a nivel de Cloud, encontramos proveedores y opciones de diversa índole. Al tiempo, estamos igualmente evidenciando en el mercado la necesidad de Consultoría en temas de Cloud. Entre ellos tenemos algunos de los motivantes que hacen parte del Catálogo de Servicios: Regulaciones (Compliance): Facilitar el […]

Novedades en la versión 6 de la plataforma de virtualización de VMware

Como marco del evento anual para Partners de VMware (PEX 2015) en San Francisco (California), se lanzó la version 6 del hipervisor ESXi y la consola de administración vCenter. Hay varias novedades en el tema, a varios niveles. Entre ellas tenemos: – Mejoramiento de la consola de vCenter en su versión Linux (vCenter Server Appliance […]

Google will integrate GCP with VMware

Google se integra a los servicios de Cloud de VMware Google y VMware anunciaron un acuerdo que puede revolucionar el ecosistema de Cloud volviendo realidad el tema de Big Data (as a Service), al permitir que la plataforma de Cloud de Google se integra directamente al servicio público & híbrido de Cloud ofrecido por VMware […]

IoT: Will influence the Industry?

In a time of uncertain economic growth, the Internet of Things in Industry can bring $ 14.2 trillion to global output by 2030, according to new research by Accenture . These potential increases require both companies and governments to take sufficient steps to implement the conditions required for the widespread adoption of new digital technologies. […]

How Cloud Computing can improve Data Center Efficiency?

There is a lot of talk about cloud computing today and the supply of suppliers is becoming more extensive, but how can you really help our organizations bring our services to the cloud? Which cloud to choose? What services to bring? How to bring them? Will cloud computing take away our job? are some of […]