OpenStack integration with VMware (VIO)

It is not a mystery neither a surprise! VMware has been actively participating OpenStack several projects even since 2010 when Nicira (NSX created company, later acquired by VMware) participated aggressively in the draft Neutron (SDN) and then Nova (computer). Finally, VMware decided to launch its own distribution of OpenStack since 2014, based on Icehouse (VIO 1.0), then updated in 2015 to the base distribution Kilo (VIO 2.0) and finally the new VIO 2.5 will be released at the end of Q2-2016.

Currently considered OpenStack as the standard de-facto to create private and public clouds, to the point that VIO already included for licensing Enterprise Plus and has become a threat to own interfaces VMware and vCloud Director (available only for Service Providers under the program pay for points of VMware called vCloud Air Network vcan, see below for more detailed information) will be displaced by the arrival of OpenStack not only improvements to GUI level GUI but with a set of tools to achieve more effectively automation Datacenter defined by Software (SDDC), with a set of open APIs, well defined and well documented to integrate with the marketplace created around OpenStack, and supported by companies 100% dedicated to these initiatives (visit ECSDG for details). By supporting directly NSX, and even integrated with Automation vRealize, VMware is really supporting OpenStack not to miss the market growth of Cloud Management System (CMS).

OpenStack - NSX Architecture 2016
Currently VMware includes distribution (VMware Integrated OpenStack VIO) both a) perpetual licensing (VIO is free for customers of Enterprise Plus and vCloud Suite, with optional support SnS per physical CPU) and for b) the Cloud Service Providers to VIO position as part of the Premier-X bundles forward within the program called vcan points (see table below), consuming 10 to 13 points per 1 GB of RAM reserved for VM (Dear to March 2016 this information level and table itself can change dramatically with the launch of the editions of NSX in may 2016 Commercial papers should move soon to software in the table below). This opening allows the possibility to include OpenStack in the mix of professional services providers exclusively dedicated to VMware in the recent past … Welcome to Cloud 2.0 !!!

(US-VMWARE) 2016-Q1 vCAN slots

Post Author: Fernando Escobar

CTO Ambassador (VMware’s Office of the CTO), VMware vExpert Cloud, VMware vExpert core, SDDC Trusted Advisor, Cloud Architect

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