VMware Cloud Director 10.x – Replace JCEKS certificate keystore with PKCS12

If you have a certificate.ks keystore that you have carried over from previous VCD versions, is highly likely is a JCEKS based keystore. If you start experiencing SSL issues and go through a SR, Support will ask you to migrate your kesytore to PKCS12 format. Even if is not related. Turns out that the JCEKS […]

VMware Cloud Foundation for Cloud Providers – Lessons Learned

One of the tools I’ve been working with recently is VCF 4.x. As an Enterprise or Cloud Provider admin, VCF makes your life easier by providing a central point of management known as de SDDC Manager. Keeping all your clusters and its components updates becomes a trivial task. Below I will share some valuable tips, […]

Breaking down Cloud Silos by deploying the NEW Extensibility framework provided by VCD 9.1

Extensibility is key for implementing an effective and realistic Cross-Cloud deployment; there is no other way to solve the inter-connectivity and compatibility issues you will be facing when provisioning workloads into a multi-cloud environment. Extensibility is critical when considering Infrastructure-as-a-Code, which is a relevant component within your Cloud automation and DevOps initiatives. Currently, VMware’s CPSBU just released vCloud […]

TigoUne leverages the VMware Cloud Provider Platform to grow market share & differentiate services

LATAM Cloud Provider TigoUne leverages the power of the VMware Cloud Provider Platform to grow its market share and differentiate its service offerings. “VMware’s vCloud Director is a secure and stable platform that  supports the growth of our Cloud business by monetizing every single resource in the environment – networking, storage and compute.” – Jhon Gomez, […]

VCD 9.0: Full Integration between IaaS and DRaaS

Full Integration between IaaS and DRaaS Nowadays, a DRaaS platform should be positioned as a facilitating tool for the consumption of the IaaS environment on the Cloud Provider side, so it becomes relevant that the DRaaS is fully integrated with the cloud platform at both, graphical console and API level, to such an extent which […]

Importance of The Service Catalog

Importancia del Catálogo de Servicios a nivel Cloud Actualmente vivimos un boom a nivel de Cloud, encontramos proveedores y opciones de diversa índole. Al tiempo, estamos igualmente evidenciando en el mercado la necesidad de Consultoría en temas de Cloud. Entre ellos tenemos algunos de los motivantes que hacen parte del Catálogo de Servicios: Regulaciones (Compliance): Facilitar el […]